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Java Withers - Inside Java Newscast #67#video#records
JEP 468 proposes a solution to the verbosity that can come from modeling mutable state with immutable records: derived record creation aka with expressions aka withers.
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The Hottest Language You Didn't Have On Your Radar#talk#pattern‑matching #performance #records #virtual‑threads
With so much going on in the programming language space, it's easy to miss any specific language's success story and so in this talk I want to put a particularly hot one on your radar
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Modern Java in Action#talk#java‑21 #virtual‑threads #pattern‑matching #records
Let's write a GitHub Crawler and let's throw in everything Java (23) has to offer
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24 Java Features You Missed In 2022 - Inside Java Newscast #39#video#collections #documentation #java‑18 #java‑19 #pattern‑matching #performance #records
JDK 18 and JDK 19 preview a number of big ticket features but they also come with a lot of smaller improvements. Here are 24 less-known features that were added to Java in 2022. Among them additions to Future and ForkJoinPool, to HashSet and HashMap, Security and GC improvements, Custom Localized Date-Time Formats and an Internet Address Resolution SPI, and much more.
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Data-Oriented Programming - Inside Java Newscast #29#video#records #sealed #pattern‑matching #patterns #techniques
Data-oriented programming focuses on modeling data as data (instead of as objects). Records for data and sealed types for alternatives let us model immutable data where illegal states are unrepresentable. Combined with pattern matching we get a safe, powerful, and maintainable approach to ad-hoc polymorphism that lets us define operations on the data without overloading it with functionality.
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11 Tricks From dev.java - Inside Java Newscast #14#video#generics #lambda #pattern‑matching #records #serialization
From compact record constructors to boolean expressions in pattern matching, from generic wildcards to chaining predicates and comparators, from jpackage to jlink - here are 11 Java tricks handpicked from dev.java.
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5 Secret Java API Tricks and Record Semantics - Inside Java Newscast #4#video#records
Five nifty Java API features that you need to know (and many more in the linked thread) and a quick explanation why Java records are not about reducing boilerplate.
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Why Java's Records Are Better* Than Lombok's @Data and Kotlin's Data Classes#post#java‑16 #records #rant
While all three remove boilerplate, the similarities don't go much further. Records have stronger semantics with important downstream benefits, which makes them better*. (* not always; depends on circumstances; excuse the clickbait)
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Why Don't They Just... ?! The Deliberations Behind Evolving Java#talk#streams #optional #records #collections
There are many nifty features that Java could have but doesn't. Somewhat surprisingly, there are reasons for that and in this talk I'll discuss those for a few concrete cases as well as the deliberations behind such decisions.