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Image with slug inside-java-newscast-73
Integrity by Default - Inside Java Newscast #73#video#j_ms #performance #reflection
Integrity is a cornerstone of the Java Platform as it enables/bolsters reliability, maintainability, security, and performance, but there are operations that undermine it. Now, Java wants to lock them down by default.
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Module Imports in Java 23 - Inside Java Newscast #69#video#java‑23 #j_ms
To reduce the overhead of using APIs, particularly in single source files, Java 23 previews module import declarations of the form import module $moduleName, which import all packages exported by the named module
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Java Modules in Real Life#talk#j_ms #migration
Advice on why, when, when not, and how to use Java modules in real life for your projects
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Java Modules Cheat Sheet#post#j_ms #java‑9 #java‑11
A cheat sheet for building and running Java modules from the command line with javac, jar, and java
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Modularity with Oliver Drotbohm#video#architecture #conversation #j_ms
Oliver and I discuss modularity in Java with a focus on the Java module system
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The JPMS Maturity Model#post#j_ms
Java's module system requires consistent support by libraries, frameworks, and tools. This maturity model classifies a project's support for the JPMS.
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The Java Module System with Sander Mak#video#conversation #j_ms
At J-Fall 2018 I talked to Sander Mak, modularity expert at Luminis, about the Java module system (J_MS), its adoption, how it compares to OSGi, and more.
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Code-First Java 9 Tutorial#post#java‑9 #migration #streams #optional #collections #j_ms
Showing code for the most important Java 9 features: private interface methods, stream and optional APIs, collection factories, reactive streams, stack walking, multi-release JARs, redirected platform logging, unified logging, the module system, and more. If you're new to Java 9, start here.
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Making JSR 305 Work On Java 9#post#java‑9 #j_ms #migration
Using annotations from JSR-305 (@Nonnull, @Nullable) and javax.annotation (@Generated, @PostConstruct) on Java 9 causes a split package. Here's the fix.
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Code-First Java Module System Tutorial#post#java‑9 #java‑basics #j_ms
Tutorial of Java 9 module system basics: declare modules with module-info.java, compile, package, launch them, learn of module path and readability graph.
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Five Command Line Options To Hack The Java Module System#post#java‑9 #j_ms
Get your code running on the Java 9 Module System with the command line options --add-exports, --add-opens, --add-modules, --add-reads, and --patch-module.
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To JAR Hell And Back#talk#java‑9 #java‑11 #j_ms #migration
A live-coding talk where we take a typical Java 8 code base and update it to Java 9 and beyond, overcoming some common and some less common hurdles like dependencies on internal APIs and split packages
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Java 9 Migration Guide: The Seven Most Common Challenges#post#java‑9 #j_ms #migration
Solutions to the seven most common challenges for a Java 9 migration. Each of them explained with background, symptoms, and fixes.
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A JDeps Tutorial - Analyze Your Project's Dependencies#post#java‑basics #j_ms #jdeps #tools
JDeps is a dependency analysis tool for Java bytecode (class files and JARs). Learn how to use filters, aggregate results, and create diagrams.
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Optional Dependencies with requires static#post#java‑9 #j_ms
The Java Platform Module System allows optional dependencies with requires static. They are accessible at compile but can be absent at run time.
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Reflection vs Encapsulation#post#java‑9 #j_ms #project‑jigsaw #reflection
Reflection wants to break into all code; encapsulation wants to give modules a safe space. How can this stand off be resolved?
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The Java Module System Beyond The Basics#talk#j_ms #migration
In this talk, I go beyond the module system basics and present more advanced features for those who want to become their team's module system expert
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Implied Readability With requires transitive#post#java‑9 #j_ms
In Java 9 a module must read another to use its API. With implied readability a 3rd module passes the dependency on, allowing the 1st to read the 2nd.