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Image with slug inside-java-newscast-60
Java Highlights of 2023 - Inside Java Newscast #60#video#turn‑of-the-year #on‑ramp #java‑8 #community #meta
2023 is coming to a close and it was quite a year for Java! Let's look back at some of the highlights: on-ramp improvements, why Java 8 is dying, JVMLS, community achievements, and how cool our YouTube channel is. 😊
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GraalVM In OpenJDK And More JavaOne Announcements - Inside Java Newscast #36#video#community #java‑8 #java‑17 #openjdk #performance
Oracle will contribute GraalVM's just-in-time compiler and native image technology to OpenJDK. It will also create EA and GA builds for JavaFX 20+ and is hard at work at creating generational ZGC to vastly improve ZGC's already impressive performance. And then there's the Java SE Subscription Enterprise Performance Pack, a drop-in replacement for JDK 8 with JDK 17 performance.
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Repackaging Exceptions In Streams#post#clean‑code #java‑8 #lambda #streams
How to repackage checked exceptions that get thrown in a Java stream pipeline so that they can be thrown without the compiler complaining about it.
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Expert Java 8#talk#java‑8 #lambda #streams #optional #default‑methods
With this talk, I help you get the most out of lambdas, Streams, Optionals, and default methods, helping you master Java 8's core features
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Rebutting 5 Common Stream Tropes#post#java‑8 #rant #streams
Articles about Java 8's streams often repeat a bunch of tropes: succinctness, ugly mechanics, anemic pipelines, weak exception handling. This is a rebuttal!
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Beware Of findFirst() And findAny()#post#java‑8 #streams
Stream.findFirst() and findAny() work with any number of elements in the stream. Make sure to reduce(toOnlyElement()) if there should be at most one.
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Stream Performance - Your Ideas#post#java‑8 #performance #streams
Another post about stream performance - this one implements your ideas about how else to approach the topic.
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Stream Performance#post#java‑8 #performance #streams
A close look at stream performance. How do they compare to for and for-each loops oder arrays and lists. And what role plays boxing?
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Java 8 SE Optional, a strict approach#post#java‑8 #optional
Stephen Colebourne presented his pragmatic approach to using Optional. I argue for a stricter one that gets us further without considerable downsides.
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Casting In Java 8 (And Beyond?)#post#java‑8 #optional #streams
Proposal to implement new casting methods on Java's Class. They aim to fulfill the need for improved ways to cast which was created by Java 8.
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Getting Rid Of Anonymous Classes#post#java‑8 #lambda #techniques
Anonymous classes are verbose and obfuscating. Functional implementations can oust them from their last strongholds (mainly abstract classes).
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Interface Evolution With Default Methods – Part II: Interfaces#post#default‑methods #generics #java‑8
Why interface evolution with default methods does not work for whole interfaces - at least not smooth enough to be practical.
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Roll Your Own Pirate-Elvis Operator#post#java‑8 #lambda #optional
Java has no Elvis operator (or null coalescing operator / null-safe member selection) but with lambda expressions / method references you can roll your own.
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Interface Evolution With Default Methods - Part I: Methods#post#default‑methods #java‑8 #patterns
Patterns for interface evolution with default methods: gradually add, replace and remove interface methods without breaking client code.
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Value-Based Classes#post#java‑8 #java‑next #project‑valhalla #primitive‑classes
An explanation of value-based classes in Java 8. Why do they exist? What are their limitations? How (not) to use them?
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Everything You Need To Know About Default Methods#post#default‑methods #java‑8 #java‑basics
Covering literally everything there is to know about Java 8's default methods.
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New Javadoc Tags @apiNote, @implSpec, and @implNote#post#java‑8 #tools
There are new Javadoc tags used in Java 8: @apiNote, @implSpec, and @implNote. Take a look at their history, meaning and use on command line and with Maven.
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Instances of Non-Capturing Lambdas#post#default‑methods #java‑8 #lambda
See how Java's creation of instances of non-capturing lambda expressions can lead to unexpected and possibly bug-inducing behavior.
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Impulse: "Lambdas In Java: A Peek Under The Hood"#post#java‑next #impulse #java‑8 #lambda
Discussing the talk "Lambdas in Java: A peek under the hood" given by Brian Goetz at the goto; conference 2013 in Aarhus.
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Serialize Optional#post#java‑8 #optional #serialization
A summary of why you can't serialize Optional and what can be done to deal with that limitation if necessary.
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Why Isn't Optional Serializable?#post#java‑next #java‑8 #optional #serialization #primitive‑classes
Discussing the reasons for not making Java 8's new type Optional serializable.
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The Design of Optional#post#java‑next #java‑8 #optional
A digest of how Optional was introduced in Java 8, summarizing the many discussions about it and their key points based on the mail archive of JSR-335.
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Intention Revealing Code With Optional#post#clean‑code #java‑8 #optional
Write intention revealing code with Java 8's new type Optional and prevent most NPEs. This is not optional!
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The Decorator Pattern With Default Methods#post#clean‑code #patterns #default‑methods #java‑8
Use Java 8's default methods to make the decorator pattern even more beautiful, which results in more concise and readable code.