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Image with slug inside-java-newscast-70
All Java 23 Features - Inside Java Newscast #70#video#java‑23
Java 23 will be released on September 17th but it's branched today (June 6th 2024) and so its feature set is final. Generational ZGC, Markdown in JavaDoc, deprecations in Unsafe, the removal of string template, and the thoughtful evolution of eight preview features. Let's take a closer look!
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Module Imports in Java 23 - Inside Java Newscast #69#video#java‑23 #j_ms
To reduce the overhead of using APIs, particularly in single source files, Java 23 previews module import declarations of the form import module $moduleName, which import all packages exported by the named module
Image with slug inside-java-newscast-66
Java 23: Restoring the Balance with Primitive Patterns - Inside Java Newscast #66#video#java‑23 #pattern‑matching
The ongoing introduction of pattern matching to Java has unbalanced the language. Here's how primitive patterns (in Java 23) and other patterns (in future versions) will fix that.
Image with slug talk-java-x
Java 23 - Better Language, Better APIs, Better Runtime#talk#java‑23
Java 21 was an explosive release, but 22 and 23 are no slouches either: unnamed patterns, stream gatherers, multi-source-file launcher, Markdown in JavaDoc plus many new and improved features in preview