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Image with slug inside-java-newscast-61
Java's Plans for 2024 - Inside Java Newscast #61#video#project‑amber #project‑babylon #project‑leyden #project‑lilliput #project‑loom #project‑panama #project‑valhalla
In 2024, Java keeps evolving. Here's what the big OpenJDK projects (Amber, Leyden, Valhalla, and more) plan for this year and how that will push Java forward.
Image with slug inside-java-newscast-58
Java On The GPU - Inside Java Newscast #58#video#project‑babylon
Babylon is OpenJDK's newest big project, aimed at easing execution of Java code on the GPU, which will unlock machine learning and artificial intelligence on the JVM. Here's all about its background, prototypes, and plans.
Image with slug talk-java-next
Java Next#talk#java‑next #project‑amber #project‑babylon #project‑leyden #project‑loom #project‑panama #project‑valhalla
From Amber to Valhalla, from Loom to Leyden, from Babylon to Panama - six big projects are shaping Java's future and while some of them are already crossing the finishing line, others are just getting started. Let's take a closer look at how they will improve Java.