java-18share & followShare this post with your community:I'm active on various platforms. Watch this space or follow me there to get notified when I publish new content:▼s+fShare this post with your community:I'm active on various platforms. Watch this space or follow me there to get notified when I publish new content:24 Java Features You Missed In 2022 - Inside Java Newscast #39#video#collections #documentation #java‑18 #java‑19 #pattern‑matching #performance #recordsJDK 18 and JDK 19 preview a number of big ticket features but they also come with a lot of smaller improvements. Here are 24 less-known features that were added to Java in 2022. Among them additions to Future and ForkJoinPool, to HashSet and HashMap, Security and GC improvements, Custom Localized Date-Time Formats and an Internet Address Resolution SPI, and much more.2022-12-15All About JDK 18 - Inside Java Newscast #21#video#java‑18 #project‑amber #project‑panama #pattern‑matching #tools #reflection #documentationRefinements in pattern matching and Panama's foreign and vector APIs; a new command jwebserver and a new IP address resolution SPI; preparing code for UTF-8 becoming the default character set and for the eventual removal of finalization; and a few more bits and pieces.2022-03-10Configuring Maven For Compiled And Tested Code In Javadoc#post#java‑18 #documentation #toolsFor JDK 18's / JEP 413's embedded snippets to be compiled and tested by your Maven build, they need to be added to a source set, Surefire needs to pick them up, and Javadoc needs to know their location - here's how to do that.2022-02-10Compiled And Tested Code In Javadoc - Inside Java Newscast #20#video#java‑18 #documentationShort code snippets in Javadoc are a great way to document an API, but they're brittle. JDK 18 / JEP 413 solves that problem by allowing us to reference snippets from external files that are compiled and tested.2022-02-10Project Loom Brings Structured Concurrency - Inside Java Newscast #17#video#java‑18 #project‑loomProject Loom aims to bring structured concurrency to Java, a concept that compares to "regular" concurrency like structured programming compares to GOTO-programming - let's dip our toes into this new concept. Also: JDK 18 feature freeze, JDK migration guide, and nifty things to do with the new simple web server.2021-12-16What Happens to Finalization in JDK 18? - Inside Java Newscast #15#video#java‑18 #deprecation #migration #reflectionFinalization was part of Java from day one to help developers manage resources but it turns out that it's really not good at that. Here's why and what's gonna happen next. Also, reflection and method handles.2021-11-11Java After Seventeen#talk#java‑17 #java‑18 #java‑19 #java‑20 #java‑21A live-coding talk during which I update a Java 11/17 code base to Java 21, making good use of new language features, additional and improved APIs, and JVM capabilities2020-02-05