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Image with slug inside-java-newscast-80
Java 24 Stops Pinning Virtual Threads (Almost) - Inside Java Newscast #80#video#java‑24 #virtual‑threads
On Java 24, virtual threads will no longer be pinned inside synchronized blocks, which increases ease of adoption
Image with slug talk-hot-lang
The Hottest Language You Didn't Have On Your Radar#talk#pattern‑matching #performance #records #virtual‑threads
With so much going on in the programming language space, it's easy to miss any specific language's success story and so in this talk I want to put a particularly hot one on your radar
Image with slug talk-java-action
Modern Java in Action#talk#java‑21 #virtual‑threads #pattern‑matching #records
Let's write a GitHub Crawler and let's throw in everything Java (23) has to offer