Java 22 - Better Language, Better APIs, Better Runtime

Java 21 was an explosive release, but 22 is no slouch either: Unnamed patterns, stream gatherers, multi-source-file launcher plus many new and improved features in preview

Java 21 was an explosive release, but 22 is no slouch either:

  • from unnamed patterns to string templates
  • from the foreign-function and memory API to Stream gatherers and the class-file API
  • from a simpler main to launching multi-source-file programs

There are plenty of improvements to the language, API, and VM to discuss - whether new, improved, or finalized. So let's go over them!


Here's the current version of the slides.

I also embedded them below. If they're focussed, you can navigate with arrow keys or swipes (they're two-dimensional, with chapters on the horizontal axis and chapter content layed out vertically). Use Page Up/Down for linearized order and ? for more shortcuts.


Here's a good recording of the talk. I hope you'll like it.

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Upcoming Presentations

In the coming months, I'll present this talk at JCON Europe. If you're there as well, I'd love to meet you - I'm always up for a chat. 😁 Just flag me down when you see me. (This includes chat rooms.)

Past Presentations

I gave this talk a few times before. See below for links to slides (as they were at that very event), videos, and other information.