Java's six big projects are shaping its future and some of that is already here - just not evenly distributed. Loom has mostly delivered and is now tying up some loose ends, whereas Amber and Panama are still in the midst of finalizing their features. Valhalla is on track to preview soon but Babylon and Leyden are just starting out. Time to take a closer look at how...
- Project Loom further improves efficient, structured concurrency
- Project Amber makes the language more expressive and ready for today's and tomorrow's problems
- Project Panama cuts through the isthmus separating Java from native code
- Project Babylon extends the reach of Java to foreign programming models and hardware
- Project Valhalla mends the rift in Java's type system and improves performance
- Project Leyden improves Java's startup time, time to peak performance, and footprint
After this talk, you will know what to expect from Java in the next few years.
Sechs große Projekte formen Javas Zukunft, und wir kommen langsam darin an. Loom hat schon jede Menge geliefert und muss jetzt noch ein paar lose Enden verknoten während Amber und Panama noch mittendrin sind, ihre Features zu finalisieren. Valhalla wird (hoffentlich) bald mit den Previews beginnen und Babylon und Leyden sind noch ziemlich jung. Es wird also Zeit, sich genauer anzugucken, wie...
- Project Loom Concurrency effizienter und strukturierter macht
- Project Amber die Sprache ausdrucksstärker und für heutige und zukünftige Herausforderungen fit macht
- Project Panama den Isthmus zwischen nativem und Java-Code durchtrennt
- Project Babylon Java's Reichweite auf fremde Programmiermodelle und Hardware ausweitet
- Project Valhalla die Kluft in Java's Typsystem heilt und Performance verbessert
- PRoject Leyden Javas Start- und Warmup-Zeit verkürzt
Nach diesem Vortrag wisst ihr, was ihr in den nächsten Jahren von Javas Entwicklung erwarten könnt.
Here's the current version of the slides.
I also embedded them below. If they're focussed, you can navigate with arrow keys or swipes (they're two-dimensional, with chapters on the horizontal axis and chapter content layed out vertically). Use Page Up/Down for linearized order and ? for more shortcuts.
Here's a good recording of the talk. I hope you'll like it.
▚Upcoming Presentations
In the coming months, I'll present this talk at Jforum. If you're there as well, I'd love to meet you - I'm always up for a chat. 😁 Just flag me down when you see me. (This includes chat rooms.)
▚Past Presentations
I gave this talk a few times before. See below for links to slides (as they were at that very event), videos, and other information.