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Does Java 22 Kill Build Tools? - Inside Java Newscast #63#video#java‑22 #on‑ramp
Java 22 brings multi source-file execution to the platform. It allows us to run programs consisting of multiple source files and even dependencies with just a simple java command. For experienced developers, this will make exploration and experimentation simpler but it's a real game changer for people just learning Java or even just to program: They can now write Java code from single to multiple source files and even add dependencies before they need to consider an IDE or build tool.
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Java 22 Previews Statements Before super(...) and this(...) - Inside Java Newscast #62#video#java‑22 #project‑amber
Whether for validation, preparation, or splitting and sharing arguments, it can be quite annoying that Java doesn't allow statements before the super(...) or this(...) call in a constructor. Luckily Java 22 is about to change that with JEP 447, which previews statements before the explicit constructor invocation.
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Java 22 Unpacking - Inside Java Newscast #59#video#java‑22
JDK 22 will be released on March 19th 2024 but it's forked today (Dec 7th 2023) and so its feature set is final. Unnamed patterns and variables, the FFM API, and multi-source-file programs are the highlights but there is so much more. Let's unpack!