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Image with slug talk-java-var
Fun With var#talk#anonymous‑classes #default‑methods #generics #lambda #java‑10 #var
A live-coding talk where I show off all you need to know about var in Java. And then some.
Image with slug java-var-traits
Unlocking Traits With var#post#default‑methods #java‑10 #lambda #var
In Java 10, var makes it is possible to ad-hoc combine traits into an instance that matches your exact requirements. Alas, it has some downsides.
Image with slug java-var-anonymous-classes-tricks
Tricks with var and anonymous classes (that you should never use at work)#post#anonymous‑classes #java‑10 #var
Local-variable type inference with var makes it easier to work with anonymous classes, e.g. for ad-hoc fields and methods. Don't do it, though!
Image with slug java-var-intersection-types
Unlocking Intersection Types With var#post#generics #java‑10 #var
Java 10's var makes intersection types in Java more approachable. Generics tricks are still needed, but var makes it easy to declare such variables.
Image with slug java-10-var-type-inference
First Contact With 'var' In Java 10#post#java‑10 #java‑basics #var
Java 10 introduces the var keyword, which lets the compiler infer local variable types. Here's how var works, why it exists, how it impacts readability.
Image with slug var-java-10
First contact with var in Java 10#video#java‑10 #var
How to use var, where it works and where it doesn't (and why), and how it might impact readability