Java and AI - A Structured Analysis

What AI development needs and how much Java already has to offer, what it lacks, as well as what it's poised to acquire in the future

A sculptured brain on an indefinite white surface, both strongly colored by blue and purple light

"AI in Java is bad" ... is a commonly held opinion. But one that is, as I will argue in this talk, overly influenced by our current place in the AI timeline. It overlooks the already dawning reality that a big chunk of AI-related development work will be the addition of AI-based features to other, larger projects.

There, Java is already very competitive and will only become stronger in the coming years thanks to the work in OpenJDK projects Panama, Babylon, and Valhalla and even Amber and Leyden plus dozens of great projects in the wider community that make AI development in Java natural.

So let's discuss what AI development needs and how much Java already has to offer, what it lacks, as well as what it's poised to acquire in the future.

PS: I'm a Java fanboy, not an AI expert - bring pinches of salt.