Java After Seventeen

A live-coding talk during which I update a Java 11/17 code base to Java 21, making good use of new language features, additional and improved APIs, and JVM capabilities

Most projects that updated stick to the long-term support versions 11 or 17. The new cadence created the illusion of not much happening in between and after that, but nothing could be further from the truth - with new features like pattern matching, virtual threads, and structured concurrency, Java is moving faster than ever.

In this talk, we'll take a simple Java 17 code base, update it to 21, and refactor it to use the new Java capabilities.


Here's the current version of the slides.

I also embedded them below. If they're focussed, you can navigate with arrow keys or swipes (they're two-dimensional, with chapters on the horizontal axis and chapter content layed out vertically). Use Page Up/Down for linearized order and ? for more shortcuts.


Here's a good recording of the talk. I hope you'll like it.

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Past Presentations

I gave this talk a few times before. See below for links to slides (as they were at that very event), videos, and other information.