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Image with slug talk-java-pattern-matching
Data-Oriented Programming Version 1.1#talk#pattern‑matching #sealed #project‑amber
Data-oriented programming models data as data: records for entities and sealed types for alternatives. Combined with pattern matching we can define operations on the data without overloading it with functionality.
Image with slug inside-java-newscast-29
Data-Oriented Programming - Inside Java Newscast #29#video#records #sealed #pattern‑matching #patterns #techniques
Data-oriented programming focuses on modeling data as data (instead of as objects). Records for data and sealed types for alternatives let us model immutable data where illegal states are unrepresentable. Combined with pattern matching we get a safe, powerful, and maintainable approach to ad-hoc polymorphism that lets us define operations on the data without overloading it with functionality.
Image with slug inside-java-newscast-8
Incremental Evolution, Pattern Switches vs Visitor Pattern, and Wayland Support - Inside Java Newscast #8#video#java‑17 #project‑panama #pattern‑matching #sealed #patterns
How the six-month release cadence enabled a more incremental evolution of the Java platform and how pattern switches and sealed classes are an alternative to the visitor pattern. Also, maybe Wayland support for Java.
Image with slug java-visitor-pattern-pointless
Visitor Pattern Considered Pointless - Use Pattern Switches Instead#post#patterns #pattern‑matching #sealed
In modern Java, the visitor pattern is no longer needed. Using sealed types and switches with pattern matching achieves the same goals with less code and less complexity.