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Image with slug inside-java-newscast-86
Scoped Values in Java 24 - Inside Java Newscast #86#video#java‑24 #project‑loom
Scoped values enable a method to share immutable data both with its callees within a thread and with child threads in a convenient, safe, scalable way, particular in comparison to thread-local variables.
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Java 24 Performance Improvements & Deprecations - Inside Java Newscast #82#video#java‑24 #performance #deprecation
Java 24's feature list contains a whopping 24 JDK Enhancement Proposals. Here, we're going to look at the performance improvements and deprecations/removals.
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Java 24 Language & API Changes - Inside Java Newscast #81#video#java‑24
Java 24's feature list contains a whopping 24 JDK Enhancement Proposals. Here, we're going to look at the language and API changes.
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Java 24 Stops Pinning Virtual Threads (Almost) - Inside Java Newscast #80#video#java‑24 #virtual‑threads
On Java 24, virtual threads will no longer be pinned inside synchronized blocks, which increases ease of adoption
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Java 24 - Better Language, Better APIs, Better Runtime#talk#java‑24
Java 21 was an explosive release and since then, Java has shown no signs of slowing down: unnamed patterns, stream gatherers, multi-source-file launcher, Markdown in JavaDoc plus many new and improved features in preview