Random Numbers and JDK Flight Recorder - Inside Java Newscast #9

The new API for random number generation in Java 17 - why it needed to change and how the new API is more usable, extensible, and robust - and how to get started with JDK Flight Recorder, particularly on Java 16.

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Welcome everyone, to the Inside Java Newscast where we cover recent developments in the OpenJDK community. I'm Nicolai Parlog, Java developer advocate at Oracle and today, I got two topics for you:

  1. random number generation - why the status quo had to change and how Java 17 makes the API more usable, extensible, and robust
  2. JDK Flight Recorder - how to get started, what to look out for on Java 16, and where to get more information

Ready? Then let's dive right in!

Random (Number) Generators

[... snip this part - I turned it into a dedicated blog post ...]

JDK Flight Recorder

Thank you Nicolai. Hey java developers, running into a difficult to debug production issue? Frustrating performance issue? Or just want to get a detailed understanding of how your application is performing in production? All the above? We have all been there at one point or another in our careers.

Well for these occasions JDK Flight recorder might be the tool for you! JDK Flight Recorder, JFR, previously known as Java Flight Recorder before being open sourced as part of JDK 11, is a JVM tool for performing diagnostics and profiling of Java applications and the JVM.

Using JFR

A key characteristic of JFR is it has very low overhead, often less than 1%. Though this can vary depending upon system and how JFR is configured. This means JFR can be used in production, even under heavy load, without meaningfully impacting performance. Allowing you to use JFR to find those hard to detect performance issues or bugs that only seem to show up in production. If you have a running Java application, you can actually try out a JFR right now, no really!

From your command line run jcmd -l. You will get back a list of Java processes running on your system. You can see an example of what this looks like right here. You can take the pid of the java process you want to observe and then run jcmd <pid> JFR.start and JFR will start recording events across the entire stack, from the OS layer, to the JVM, to the Java application itself, giving you a good picture of what's happening.

The events are initially recorded to an in-memory buffer, which is part of how JFR is able to keep it's performance impact minimal. To pull information from the buffer, it we again use JCommand With jcmd <pid> JFR.dump. This will dump the data currently in the JFR buffer to the directory the java process is running from.

So what do we do with a JFR recording once we have it?

Reading A JFR File

For lighter analysis of a JFR file, there is the jfr command. If you already have a concrete idea of what you are looking for, the jfr command can be a great way to quickly analyze a JFR file. However for most analysis you will need a tool like JDK Mission Control (JMC).

Opening our recording in mission control, we are given an overall report about performance, and then on the left side of the screen are several tabs for digging down into what is happening in the application and the JVM. Threads, I/O, Garbage Collection, Class Loading, Method Profiling, and more can be analyzed.

If you look under memory, you might notice it looking a bit empty. If you are using JDK 16, that is because of a change introduced in the latest version of Java.

Missing Memory Allocation Reporting

With JDK 16, a new JFR event was added, jdk.ObjectAllocationSample, which allows low-overhead memory allocation profiling. JMC 8.1 when released, will support rendering this event, but until then if we want to see memory allocation in JMC, we will need to update our JFC files. This is good, as this will give us an opportunity to look at how to configure JFR.

Configuring JFR

The JFC files are located under <java_home>/lib/jfr directory. In this directory there are two provided JFC files, default, and profile. Previously the events jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB, and jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB have been used to track memory allocation, bBut have been disabled by default, both in the default and profile settings because they have somewhat high overhead. By setting enabled to true for both of these, we can track memory allocations.


<event name="jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB">
	<setting name="enabled">false</setting>
	<setting name="stackTrace">true</setting>
<event name="jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB">
	<setting name="enabled">false</setting>
	<setting name="stackTrace">true</setting>


<event name="jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB">
	<setting name="enabled">true</setting>
	<setting name="stackTrace">true</setting>
<event name="jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB">
	<setting name="enabled">true</setting>
	<setting name="stackTrace">true</setting>

Additional JFC files can be defined, and there is a lot of options for configuration, but that's beyond the scope of this segment. For these to take affect, we will have to restart our Java application. After doing so, and going through the earlier JCommand steps, we can check see that a more detailed memory allocation is provided.

So far when starting JFR with jcmd, we simply have simply done JFR.start. However we are able to pass in several values that can modify JFR's behavior, which you can see over the right side of the screen. There are a few key ones, filename, for providing a file path and name thats more descriptive than the generated one; settings, as expected default are the default settings used; we could also use profile, or the name of the file for any other JFC file we create. Maxsize limits the size of the buffer JFR will write, the default is 250 MB, which is likely larger than needed in most cases

Summary (And Graal)

For GraalVM users, JFR support was recently announced and is available in GraalVM 21.2. A link to a blog post on RedHat developer is in the description that covers this announcement.

We only scratched the sure of JFR today, there's a whole lot more to cover, we provided some links to some great talks in the description (1, 2), and this may be a topic we return in the future on this channel- Until then this is Billy Korando with the Inside Java newscast, Nicolai back to you in the studio.


Hah, that's pretty good advice. Oh sorry, I was just watching one of Billy's one-minute videos on Twitter. Because we don't have enough coffee-based puns yet, he calls them Sip of Java but that aside, they're really good. He has one on switch expressions, on collection factories, String join APIs and look, there's one on JFR as well! Go follow @BillyKorando on Twitter to get these nuggets of Java insights.

And that's it for today on the Inside Java Newscast. If you have any questions about what we covered in this episode, ask ahead in the comments below and if you enjoy this kind of content, help us spread the word with a like or by sharing this video with your friends and colleagues. I'll see you again in two weeks. So long...