New (Sequenced) Collections In Java 21 - Inside Java Newscast #45

All lists, some sets, and some maps have an encounter order, but the collections framework has no type to capture this property and define operations like getting or removing first and last elements or iterating in reverse order. Sequenced collections will fix that in Java 21.

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Welcome everyone, to my new studio - to the Inside Java Newscast where we cover recent developments in the OpenJDK community. I'm Nicolai Parlog, Java developer advocate at Oracle, and today we're gonna see how Java 21 will make it super easy to get the last List element or the first LinkedHashSet entry, to loop and stream over a reversed list or set, and generally how to better exploit what the Java collection framework calls encounter order. Yes, we'll talk about JEP 431: Sequenced Collections.

But before we get into that: If you have any questions about this, I'll do a live Q&A with the JEP owner and Java collection guru Stuart Marks tomorrow, Friday 31st, at 1900 UTC on And if you missed that, head over to and subscribe on your favorite platform - there will soon be an episode with the same Stuart on the same topic.

Ready? Then let's dive right in!

Sequenced Types and Methods

Java gets three new interfaces:

  1. SequencedCollection, which extends Collection and is further extended by List and Deque. Or Deck? Let's go with Deque. It offers methods addFirst/addLast, getFirst/getLast, and removeFirst/removeLast, which do what you'd expect. It also has a method reversed that returns a SequencedCollection that is a view on the underlying collection but in reverse order.
  2. SequencedSet, which extends SequencedCollection and Set and is further extended by SortedSet and implemented by LinkedHashSet. It offers no additional methods but defines a covariant override of reversed that returns a SequencedSet.
  3. SequencedMap, which extends Map and is further extended by SortedMap and implemented by LinkedHasMap. It offers methods putFirst/putLast, firstEntry/lastEntry, and pollFirstEntry/pollLastEntry. It also has a method reversed that works analogue to the one on SequenceCollection. Furthermore, it offers sequenced views of its key set, values, and entry set.

And that's it for today on the Inside Java Newsc... wait, why are you all still here? You usually leave right when the outro begins (and miss all the cool stuff therein, I want to add). You want more on sequenced collections? There are lots of more interesting details in the JEP, so I'm all for it! We can start by establishing the problems this actually solves, see a few examples, and discuss a few odds and ends.

Let me just... there we go.

The Problem

The Java collection framework has the concept of encounter order, which means that there's a well-defined order to the elements in the collection and iteration will always visit them in that very order. This is obviously true for everything that's sorted, but order, or sequence as I'll start to call it for mysterious reasons, is weaker than that. Even unsorted elements in a list, for example, are sequenced because each element has a well-defined position in that list. So all lists are sequenced.

A classic example of a non-sequenced collection, one without encounter order, is a set. At least generally, because there are Set implementations, that do have a sequence: not only the SortedSet implementations, but also the class LinkedHashSet.

And here we can already see one half of the issue with encounter order. While well defined, that's only in prose - there's no type that guarantees this property across all these different collections. The other half is that sequence-related operations are very inconsistent.

Need the first element of a list? list.get(0) is there for you. Already somewhat imprecise but wait till you try to get the last element. Few things in Java have been as bad for my teeth as typing out list.get(list.size() - 1). Ugh!

Things are even worse for LinkedHashSet, though. Getting the first element requires us to either ask the iterator for the next element or findFirst() on a stream and getting the last element isn't even possible without iteration.

// getting first/last element on...

// ... `List`:
var first = list.get(0); 😐
var last = list.get(list.size()-1); // 😬

// ... `LinkedHashSet`:
var first = set.iterator().next();
first =;
var last = 🤷

Side note: I also sometimes want to get just any element from a Set, which forces me to go through the same iterator() or stream() methods. Would be nice to have a getAny() or something like that on Set. Maybe I'll ask Stuart about that.

Finally, iterating in reverse order is pretty annoying as well and streaming that way, my preferred way to process collections, is hardly supported at all. So while collections have the concept of encounter order, of a sequence, they don't have a type to capture that and so no place to uniformly define operations like getting the first and last elements or reversing the sequence. Until JDK 21 that is.

// iterating in reverse order over ...

// ... `List`:
for (var it = list.listIterator(list.size());
		it.hasPrevious();) {
	var e = it.previous();
    // use `e`

// ... `Deque`:
for (var it = deque.descendingIterator();
		it.hasNext();) {
    var e =;
    // use `e`

// ... `NavigableSet`:
for (var e : navSet.descendingSet()) {
	// use `e`

// streaming in reverse order over ...
// ... `List`: 🤷
// ... `Deque`: 🤷
// ... `NavigableSet`:

A Deeper Look At The Solution

After mysteriously calling encounter order "sequence", let me now reveal to you the surprising reason: The new collection interfaces are called "sequenced" - as in "the elements have been arranged in a sequence". A sequenced collection has first and last elements, and the elements between them have successors and predecessors. It further supports common operations at either end and it supports processing the elements from first to last and from last to first.

I already listed the interfaces and their methods, so let's see how to use them in practice. Which is super straight-forward. First and last elements of all lists, sorted sets, LinkedHashSets and whatever else implements SequencedCollection or SequencedSet are available with getFirst and getLast.

// getting first and last elements from a list
// (sequenced by order of addition)
var letters = List.of("c", "b", "a");

// same but from a sorted set
// (sequenced by natural ordering)
var letterSet = new TreeSet<>(letters);

You can also add or remove at both ends of the collection, but those methods may throw an UnsupportedOperationException. The obvious case where that happens is when the underlying collection is unmodifiable. The more subtle case is trying to add a first or last element to a sorted collection when it doesn't belong in that place. Clearly, being sorted overrides the desire to add at specific positions and so an exception is thrown here as well.

var letters = new ArrayList<>(List.of("c", "b", "a"));
// ~> ["x", "c", "b", "a" ]

var letterList = List.of("c", "b", "a");
// ~> UnsupportedOperationException
// (`letterList` is unmodifiable)

var letterSet = new TreeSet<>(letters);
// ~> UnsupportedOperationException
// ("x" does not belong in first position)

I gotta say, the SequencedMap API strikes me as a bit odd. It has adopted the NavigableMap nomenclature, so instead of getFirstEntry it's firstEntry and instead of removeLastEntry it's pollLastEntry. Not a big fan, but having names more in line with SequencedCollection would mean NavigableMap gets four new methods that do the same as four other methods it already has.

Further warts are added by not being able to restrict the return type of keySet() from Set to SequencedSet. Because the new interfaces are retrofitted into the existing hierarchy (by implementing all the new methods with default methods, btw - Java 8 for the win!) every implementation of a SortedMap is now also an implementation of SequencedMap. That includes lots of sorted maps outside of the JDK and if keySet() would now demand to return a SequencedSet, they would neither compile nor run. That's a no go. So instead of changing the return type for keySet(), a new default method sequencedKeySet() is being added. Not great, but what are you gonna do?

One deceptively simple method on the new interfaces is reversed. It returns a potentially writable view, which means it's very cheap and it always reflects the same state as the underlying collection, so changing one will change the other.

var letters = new ArrayList<>(List.of("a", "b", "c"));
var reversedLetters = letters.reversed();

// ~> dcba

// ~> abcde

It also immediately unlocks all iteration methods! Whether you want to use a for-each loop or the forEach method, an explicit iterator or a stream, they are all uniformly supported out of the box. And a reversed array becomes as easy as collection.reverse().toArray(). Very neat!

for (E el : list.reversed())
	// ...

deque.reversed().forEach(/* ... */);


var reversedArray =

Overall, this is a great addition! Not headline grabbing but exactly the thoughtful evolution that Java needs.


And that's it for today on the Inside Java Newscast - this time for real. Do all the YouTube things, share this video with your friends and enemies, and don't forget to stop by on Friday 1900 UTC for a conversation with Stuart Marks or to look out for the Inside Java Podcast episode with him. I'll see you again in two weeks. So long...