architectureshare & followShare this post with your community:I'm active on various platforms. Watch this space or follow me there to get notified when I publish new content:▼s+fShare this post with your community:I'm active on various platforms. Watch this space or follow me there to get notified when I publish new content:Modularity with Oliver Drotbohm#video#architecture #conversation #j_msOliver and I discuss modularity in Java with a focus on the Java module system2020-04-07JUnit 5 Architecture or "What's Jupiter?"#post#architecture #junit‑5 #libraries #testingThe JUnit 5 architecture promotes a better separation of concerns than JUnit 4 did. It also provides clear APIs for testers (Jupiter) and tools (Platform).2018-08-05JUnit 5 Extension Model: How To Create Your Own Extensions#post#architecture #junit‑5 #libraries #testingThe JUnit 5 extension model enables detailed, flexible, and powerful additions to JUnit 5's core features. For that it provides specific extension points.2018-08-05Impulse: "Crafted Design"#post#architecture #impulseSummary of the architecture described by Sandro Mancuso in his talk "Crafted Design", held at GeeCON2014.2015-05-06Impulse: "Agile Architecture"#post#agile #architecture #impulseA summary of the talk "Agile Architecture" given by Molly Dishman and Martin Fowler as the keynote at the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference.2015-03-26Impulse: "Architecture - The Lost Years"#post#architecture #impulseDiscussing the talk "Architecture - The Lost Years", which Robert C. Martin held on several occasions.2014-10-04