The Hottest Language You Didn't Have On Your Radar

With so much going on in the programming language space, it's easy to miss any specific language's success story and so in this talk I want to put a particularly hot one on your radar

A swimming pool's edge with a stainless steel ladder; the water is a nice turquoise and the concrete around it is bright yellow

New programming languages come up all the time and the top dogs they want to supplant are constantly evolving to beat them back. With so much going on, it's easy to miss any specific language's success story and so in this talk I want to put a particularly hot one on your radar:

  • Its REPL, three-line hello-world, single-command project execution, built-in webserver, and excellent VS Code support make it easy to get started.
  • Lambda expressions, one-line type declarations, top-class pattern matching, and other modern language features makes it fun to stick around.
  • It has a strong, nominal type system that is there for you when you need it and takes a step back when you don't.
  • Generate projects via web and IDE UIs or with just a few terminal commands and enjoy development without nasty compile/reboot cycles.
  • Whether you need fast startups, high peak performance, massive concurrency, or ultra-low 99th percentiles, there's a configuration that achieves your goals.
  • Or is it native interop, CPU-vector instructions, and GPU offloading you're after? It's got you.
  • And I won't even get to the battle-tested IDEs, build tools, test or web frameworks, and the amazing open-source community.

So what language am I talking about? You wanna sit down for this: It's Java. 😱

Did I exaggerate a bit? Am I overenthusiastic? A paid shill? Yes, but that doesn't make me wrong. 😁 I promise, if you haven't touched Java in a while or only heard horror stories about it, you'll be surprised to see how far it came and how great it really is. Let me show you.